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Romantic jealousy can be emotionally very painful and quite destructive to a relationship. Jealousy can be a normal reaction, especially when the person perceives a real threat to the relationship and reacts in a reasonable fashion. When there is no evidence of a real or even a probable threat to the relationship, and a person engages in extreme and damaging thoughts and behaviours, it is important that he or she receive professional help. Please get in touch with us if you believe that you may have a problem with jealousy, as it is likely causing you a great deal of anguish, and we can help.


We have extensive experience in conducting Toronto's best psychological assessments for motor-vehicle accident claims, WISB, personal injury and disability claims (including LTD, ODSP, CPP), and medical malpractice claims. Our distinguished roster of Registered Psychologists also handle psychovocational options, psycho-legal reports and immigration cases for refugees.


When you should seek help from us?

If you have any of the following symptoms, you can contact us to get our expert advice.


  • A persistent feeling of unhappiness or low mood.

  • A sense of inadequacy and worthlessness with a loss of confidence.

  • Bad feelings, anxiety, irritability, and guilt.

  • General aches and pains, a loss of energy, and little motivation to do certain things.

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities.

  • Eating less or more – changes in appetite.

  • Sleep disturbance – i.e. early morning waking or difficulties getting off to sleep.

  • Reduction in sex drive and/or loss of interest in sex.

  • Difficulty in paying attention, loss of concentration, and/or remembering things.

  • A sense of helplessness and hopelessness about the future.

  • Having problems beings around people that lead to isolating self.

  • Thoughts of suicide and death.

  • Unhelpful, self-critical, negative, and extreme thoughts.

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